The Importance of Boundaries

What are boundaries? And why are they so important for helping you feel comfortable and safe in your relationships. Boundaries are imaginary lines that protect a person’s personal or mental space. They are the limits we set for ourselves within a relationship or relationships. Basically, boundaries are how we teach others how we want to be treated.

On Episode 2 today, we are discussing the importance of establishing healthy boundaries.

So, if you’ve ever had a conversation regarding boundaries, you know that it can be an uneasy conversation. It can be awkward, uncomfortable and downright fearful. Some may not even know how to go about setting boundaries and even after they’ve had the conversation and they’re set, they have a hard time upholding those boundaries.

How do you know when you need to establish boundaries?

1.    You feel a level of resentment towards a person who constantly disregards your feelings or your response.

2.    You feel burned out when dealing with a particular person or people.

3.    You make comments about always giving in or showing up but feel that it’s not reciprocal

4.    You begin avoiding phone calls or ignoring texts from those who might ask for something whether it’s to hang out or to vent or they constantly drain you emotionally

5.    You feel overwhelmed when saying yes to things or people because they make you feel guilty when you say no

Want to learn more? Click the link to enjoy our segment of “The Land of Me”…the Importance of Establishing Boundaries


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